The Trust has been looking at what will help children make accelerated progress in maths. Often young people lack confidence in the basics such as Number Bonding, knowing their Times Tables and doing mental maths. We have put together a collection of maths tasks, which can be self-taught. Most tasks use a YouTube video and worked examples from the internet. Each task also contains a Maths Mastery Challenge – this is a harder task designed to make the child think and apply what they know. Often these tasks are pitched above the chronological age of the child.
These tasks can be repeated. When asked how often these tasks should be repeated our response is simple, ‘keep doing the tasks, until the maths comes naturally to you’. Repetition of the tasks over the Summer Holidays, for example, will help the student be ‘maths ready’ in September.
In addition to all these short activities when completed, we would like to recommend a mobile app from the Mathematics in Education and Industry organisation. It can be accessed from the MEI Website.
It is a great app for applying maths knowledge and skills. It is also good for tackling maths mastery and problem solving.
Further information on the Academy’s curriculum can be found in our Curriculum section. If you would like more information about the curriculum the Academy follows then please contact us.